What makes your Trip to Egypt absolutely safe
I had an amazing trip to Egypt in the year 2008, at that time Egypt was a desirable place and at the top of the bucket list of all the tourists. Then after Egypt Revolution 2011 things changed steadily and moved towards a decrease in the number of tourists visiting Egypt. Back in 1997, there was a terrorist attack on one of the tourist buses in Cairo which resulted in a negative stimulation among tourists. These kinds of events can happen anywhere and it does not reflect that a country is safe or not. The trip to Egypt is a dream of childhood for many people and you will be happy to know that tourism is 15% of Egypt’s total economy. After that mishap, strict security measures were taken to make the tourists’ trip to Egypt safe and happy. There used to be several military vehicles patrolling to ensure the safety of the tourists. They also started making sure that all buses with tourist reach safely. Egypt armed police used to follow the buses. There are several police checkpoints everywhere around the tourist areas. Famous tourist hotspots, like The Egypt Museum, Pyramids, Tombs, Temples and much more are fully staffed with security and for assistance to the tourists. So we can say that the chances of any kind of trouble to tourists have come down to zero. They also see that a tourist does not get scammed.
So Egypt Government is doing their best to make the place safest on the planet earth. Egyptian people are extremely kind and genuine; they want you to give them a chance to be the host. So, whenever you get a chance from your busy schedule live your dream of childhood and plan your trip to Egypt.
Egypt Government has always made sure that the tourists get the elite level of security in their trip to Egypt. The Government is making constant efforts to improve the security distribution for the tourists. So, the tourists should come to Egypt with a free mind and should not worry about their security. Egyptian Government and people will make sure you get the best experience.